After our amazing lunch at Café Brasil, we walked up and down Pacific Ave. and got frozen yogurt, even though it was 60 degrees outside. Soon enough, it was time for our 3:45 tour of Santa Cruz’s famous Mystery Spot!
They stop giving tours at 4:00, so I was worried that our tour guide would be tired after a long day of repetitive tours. But he was the complete opposite of that! Our guide had over 20 years of experience working at Mystery Spot, and gave us incredible detail and insight at every stopping point. He explained that the area was a gravitational anomaly where human perception of gravity and physics are completely slanted. Some theories according to our guide are metal cones hidden in our earth by aliens for their spaceship navigation, and some think that the spaceship itself is buried within the ground. Some people also think it could be carbon dioxide permeating from the earth, a hole in the ozone layer, or a magma vortex (extremely high radiation).
The cool thing about this place is that, to this day, no one knows for sure what causes it. It’s far more than an illusion, and definitely worth checking out for everyone.
The owners of the land turned this into a tourist attraction that is internationally famous, and keeps them coming back for more. An individual will visit the Mystery Spot an average of three times!
After the tour, we went back to the hotel and took naps. Too tired to find dinner downtown, we ordered Woodstock’s pizza that was delivered to our room. We went to bed around 10 pm, and my mind was still turning over the incredible treasure we visited that day.